Through each school year Wii Konzol's good influence is tested. Children with pgysical and mental disability and overweight ones were included in the tests. The result of the resource are made public.
Zsuzsanna Saringer Szilard, 2009. Wi(i)nning is easy! Would you have thought that a person with Cerebral Palsy could play tennis, golf, or box? Research in sport science. Data2win LtD. UK ISBN number 271-275 p.
This project has shown beyond doubt, what earlier studies did not, that is people with CP do have a desire for sport exercise. Wii-sport is a computer based virtual exercise console that can help people with disabilities to do sports activities, because it makes exercise realistic and playful. This work proposes a practice-based model for children with cerebral palsy in order to develop adapted physical activities for them. Those with CP characteristically have small muscle mass, many are obese after adolescence, they have coordination problems, there might be damage to their sensory organs that hampers exercise experience, and there is usually a lack of attention and concentration. However once we had them start playing we had to find although they lack almost every characteristic or skills required to do traditional sports, many of our players showed perseverance, coordination, extended concentration. Many felt tired at the end, some even had muscle ache. When playing they used their injured side limbs also. We have found that the two disciplines involved (sport sciences and conductive education) can indeed work together seamlessly to develop people with injuries through adapted physical education. The tool could be useful in developing a new life-style, in which movement and exercise are given a central role.
Keywords: central nervous system disorders, conductive education, PE, Wii-therapy, physical endurance, perseverance, leisure time
Zsuzsanna Saringer Szilard, Zsofia Nadasi, Jeffrey J. Martin, 2009. Conductive Education using Wii Sport for Individuals with Disabilities Palaestra Forum of Sport, Physical Education & Recreation For Those With Disabilities
The purpose of this paper is to describe how Wii Sport, a computer based virtual exercise console, was incorporated into Conductive Education to enhance physical activity (PA) for people with disabilities. We describe how a practice-based Wii Sport model for children with cerebral palsy (CP) was used to provide sport and PA. We also describe Conductive Education and its history. Individuals with CP often lack muscle mass, are overweight or obese, have coordination problems, suffer sensory organ damage, and typically lack concentration skills. Participants in our program who lacked traditional sport skills exhibited perseverance, coordination, and extended concentration during Wii Sport participation. We also observed them using muscle groups and limbs on their injured side. Despite reporting feeling tired and experiencing muscle soreness at the end of their playing period participants often exhibited enthusiasm and a desire to do more. We believe that Wii Sport can become an important vehicle to help individuals with disabilities develop active and healthy lifestyles in which sport and exercise play a central role.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy, PE, Wii Sport, endurance, physical activity, health
Zsuzsanna Saringer Szilard, Zsofia Nadasi , Erzsebet Bacskai, 2011. The effect of physicalactivity on the psychological development of childrenwith CP. Kalokagathia 48.évf. 2/ 82010, p. 130-139.
Parents are often concerned that their child spends too much time in front of the computer. In our case however it has beneficial effects on mental, psychological and physical status. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the beneficial effects of play and sports exercise on people with disabilities. 19 children (average age 14.2 years) with disabilities were included in the study (13 with tetraparesis spastica, 3 diplegia spastica and 3 with athetosis). For one school year (30 occasions) they played weekly (one hour every week) withWii Sport andWii Fit. The control group (N=16, average age 13.7 years) did not participate in the play. During the initial and concluding tests we used the POMS questionnaire, along with physical, psychological and mental tests. The results have shown that regular play on the Wii-console positively influences children with disabilities, they have become more motivated and their self-evaluation has also changed positively. The explanation for this can be that computers have become a part of the life of 10-18-year-old generation, thus this application develops children by combining play, sports and entertainment. They also had the chance to test themselves in several sports disciplines. Our research is a pioneering exercise in Hungary and we are unaware of widespread use of virtual game consoles as a form of activity among people with disabilities.
Keywords: CP, virtual sports, motivation, self-evaluation, POMS.
Zsuzsanna Saringer Szilard, Zsofia Nadasi: Virtual sport, as leisure time activity in the Pető Institute
Regular physical activity is just as important in the life of the physical disabilities, as in that of their healthy peers. For the first time in Hungary, cerebral paretic children, adolescents and adults have the possibility to get acquainted and to practice with 5 sport disciplines (tennis, boxing, golf, bowling and baseball) with the help of a virtual game console. Play and the regular physical activity provides an opportunity for them to carry out the different movements characteristic of the given sport and to experience the same satisfaction, that they would feel when fighting for a point on the real tennis court or in a real boxing bout. Virtual sport is suitable for all ages, regardless of their symptoms or in the case of cerebral paretic individuals the – mild or serious - degree of their disability. The experience of the past years has shown that physical exercise and sports activities can also become a part of the life of handicapped children. During the course of exercise we have seen that children have a better general mood, are motivated to exercise and do sports, and have become more perseverant. There is no doubt that exercise relieves tension, motivates and improves concentration. We begun a year ago and by today virtual sports appear as a form of leisure time activity supplementing the conductive program.
Sáringerné Szilárd Zsuzsanna, Jeager Péter, Pólya Tamás, 2011. Még több mozgással a számítógép előtt – a Wii konzoljáték hatása a túlsúlyos gyermekekre Előtanulmány – Eger 2010. Sporttudományi Szemle 13.é 36-40.o.
Getting more exercise with the computer – the effect of Wii-exergaming on overweight children
Pre-study – Eger 2010
The aims of this pre-study are: highlighting the beneficial impacts of movement-based computer games and proposing an alternative course of action alongside the statement of the World Health Organization that obesity as a preventable disease would be easy to counteract. This alternative, a popular choice amongst children, is playing Nintendo Wii console games, based on motion sensing technology. These games reduce the risk of bad posture, a usual consequence of sitting too much, and make sport activities more appealing to children, thereby encouraging the development of a healthy life style.
Keywords: Wii console, personal computer, sport movement, obesity, puberty
Sáringerné Szilárd Zsuzsanna, 2012. A konzoljáték tanulást segítő hatása alsó tagozatban - egy tanulmány eredményei Hungarian Educational Researche Journal. Pedagógia-online
The current level of development of individual competences is of defining importance is meeting the requirements of the school curriculum. The number of children with learning difficulties in schools has been on the rise. Those that are “only a little bit” behind the average would require much more tailored-made solutions. The evolution of computer technology offers numerous opportunities, which in the virtual environment can reduce or even eliminate the shortcomings in partial competences, which have a negative impact on learning, thereby improving learning abilities. During the course of our research we studied the role of the Wii-console in developing learning abilities. The pre- and post-tests (complex competence tests) have shown significant improvement in terms of attention tests, while the results of the digital tachistoscope, decision making, the combined distributed attention and the stability tests also showed an improving trend.
Sáringerné Szilárd Zsuzsanna:The effects of Wii-exergaming on the development of people with intellectual disabilitiesGyógypedagógiai Szemle 2012/2. szám
The European Union pays special attention to the integration through sports of underprivileged people, especially those with intellectual disabilities. The Nice Declaration of December 2000 also emphasizes that for the physically or mentally disabled, the practice of physical and sporting activities provides a particularly favourable opening for the development of individual talent, rehabilitation, social integration and solidarity and, as such, should be encouraged. Education of children with disabilities to lead a healthy life is getting more and more emphasis. Wii-exergaming provides a new type of leisure-time activity for every age group and also for everyone living with a disability. The several years of research we have conducted into the effects of Wii-exergaming have shown that it has a beneficial, developmental effect; it helps to form the personality and to increase performance. Our work has proven that this new form of sports movement has a beneficial effect on those with intellectual disabilities, since if positively affects their psychological status, primarily improving their self-esteem and academic skills.
Keywords: Wii-console, leisure time activity, people with intellectual disabilities, sport movement, integration
The current level of development of individual competences is of defining importance is meeting the requirements of the school curriculum. The number of children with learning difficulties in schools has been on the rise. Those falling behind only receive special care and attention if the tools used for assessment actually register any measurable difference. Those that are “only a little bit” behind the average would require much more tailored-made solutions. The evolution of computer technology offers numerous opportunities, which in the virtual environment can reduce or even eliminate the shortcomings in partial competences, which have a negative impact on learning, thereby improving learning abilities. During the course of our research we studied the role of the Wii-console in developing learning abilities. We had 13 second grade children participate in the study (5 girls and 8 boys), who have demonstrated a lower performance in attention, adherence and short term memory, however only three of them are receiving special needs development classes. The remaining students in the class served as the control group. The children played on the console once a week for a semester. The pre- and post-tests (complex competence tests) have shown significant improvement in terms of attention tests, while the results of the digital tachistoscope, decision making, the combined distributed attention and the stability tests also showed an improving trend. A survey of parent satisfaction has also shown that the use of the console is widely accepted and supported, its developing impact acknowledged.
Keywords: competence development, Wii console, learning difficulties
Zsuzsanna Saringer Szilard, Zsofia Nadasi, Jeffrey J. Martin, 2009. Conductive Education using Wii Sport for Individuals with Disabilities Palaestra Forum of Sport, Physical Education & Recreation For Those With Disabilities vol.26. No2 2012. p.33-35.
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